Crossroads Church Rockford, Michigan Children's Ministry

Welcome to Crossroads Kids!

Crossroads Kids is passionate about partnering with families to connect their children to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We are a family oriented ministry and want every child to come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. We do this by teaching Biblical truths in fun, relevant, and creative ways and engaging with families to lay a foundation of faith that will last a lifetime.

Sunday Morning check-in begins and classrooms open 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the service.

9:30 AM & 11:00 AM for ages 6 weeks -3rd Grade

Please see the 4th-5th page for specific information for our unique programming for 4th & 5th graders.

Sunday Mornings:
When you arrive, please come to the Crossroads Kids Welcome Desk to check-in your child. We will have a greeter there to help you through this process, answer any questions you have, and direct you to the classroom your child will be in. During Check-in children and parents/guardians receive matching printed name tags and pick-up tags to ensure your child’s safety. The child’s nametag identifies their classroom and a security code that matches the pick-up tag. Parent/Guardian picking up a child must provide the matching pick-up tag in order for the child to be released.

If there are any concerns with your child during the service we will text you to the phone number that you provide for us to keep on file for you.

All Crossroads Kids volunteers undergo background checks and do not work alone. Additionally we have an extra person at the Check-in desk at all times who is available to step into a classroom should a volunteer need an extra assistant or have to step out of a room at any time.

Our classes are currently divided into the following age groups:

  • Infants – Newborn-18 Months
  • Toddlers – 18Months-3 years
  • Preschool – 3yrs-5yrs (combined with toddlers at 9:30)
  • Kindergarten-1st Grade
  • 2nd & 3rd Grades (combined with K-1st at 9:30)

If you missed a Sunday and would like to see the lesson for that week, click the button below for the parent portal!

If you are interested in serving in this area of ministry we would love to have you. To receive more information about serving in the Crossroads Kids Ministry please click the button below or email Shelley.